更新时间:2023-11-21 23:41:28
影视简介:在中东,期望大展拳脚的亚洲企业跟许多人一样,靠着石油把雄图大略化为现实。它们接弄下来将投入什么项目?主要业者是谁? 为了在中东争取更快更大的增长,企业之间竞争激烈。《经济工程系列:中东商业帝国》深入探讨该地区的商业文化,展现中东活力十足、时时变化的经济图景。节目将带您到迪拜、阿曼、巴林等地,介绍亚洲企业正在进行的一些最新项目。 ※※※※※※※ 详细信息 ※※※※※※※ 每集内容 第 3 集 与大多数的海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会 伙伴一样,阿曼苏丹国享受着前所未有的经济增长。但跟其它迪拜国家不同,阿曼没有盲目大规模发展,相信少比多好,经济发展完全在其控制的速度上。 『Oman』 Like most of its Gulf Co-operation Council partners, the Sultanate of Oman has enjoyed unprecedented growth in the last few years. But unlike neighbours such as Dubai and Kuwait - where bling and massive scale are the order of the day - Oman believes less is more. It has charted a course of development entirely at its own pace. Learn more about the companies that have staked an early claim in the capital city of Muscat. 海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会由巴林、 科威特、 阿曼、 卡塔尔、 沙特阿拉伯及阿拉伯联合酋长国组成,集结了国民生产总值共 715 亿元美元,成为了世界 第 17 大经济体,更会将在未来十年内成为世界 10 大经济强国。海湾合作委员会宣布建立共同市场及设定共同货币。该组织会令市场单一化吗? 『The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf 』 The Arab grouping of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates is the world’s 17th largest economy with a combined GDP of USD$715 billion dollars. The region is also set to become the world’s 10th largest economic power within a decade. With the announcement of the decision to establish a common market, and even possible a common currency by 2010, will the GCC become a more homogenous market? And how will competition between the different states affect the state of play? 第 2 集 卡达是世界上液化天然气的最大供应地方,成为了最富有的国家之一。它曾经是一个贫穷的海湾国家,唤醒了附近其它国家的潜力。卡达推出 $ 500 亿美元的建设项目,找来泰国的建筑顾问公司,打造首都的地标,以及透过新加坡国际房地产顾问公司令该城市迅速发展起来。 『Qatar 』 Qatar is the single largest supplier of liquefied natural gas in the world, in turn making it one of the richest countries in the Gulf region. As the once-poor Gulf state awakens to its full potential, some US$50billion is being poured into construction projects alone. Find out how a Thai-based consultancy company is helping to build a landmark medical city in Doha, and how Singapore-grown international real estate consultant Surbana is helping to map out the country’s growth. 今集在迪拜寻找成功的亚洲人--- 包括印度人 Mahendra Patel,他搬到迪拜已经 35 年,现时公司价值 2 亿美元 。还有,Ayesha Depala 服装集团的持有人、日本的消费电子产品三洋公司的全球生产管理主任同样都是来自亚洲。 『Dubai Part II』 We meet some Asians who have made it big in Dubai - Indian national Mahendra Patel, who moved to Dubai some 35 years ago, and now heads a group of companies worth 2 billion US dollars; the owners of Ayesha Depala boutique, a up-and-coming designer of couture in Dubai; and the Japanese Managing Director of global manufacturer of consumer electronics company, SANYO. 第 1 集 巴林是拥有 370 所金融机构的中东地区商业小王国之一,同时是不同民族和宗教和平共存的地方。亚洲企业已进军了巴林的地产、 旅游、 IT、 金融等行业。今集将介绍 4间公司包括 ICICI Bank, Banyan Tree, CapitaLand 及 Sivalai Spa ,分析它们在中东商业王国成功的原因。 『Bahrain』 It is one of the smallest kingdoms in the Middle East but already the region’s business capital with 370 financial institutions. It is a nation where different nationalities and religions meet and co-exist in peace. Asia is no stranger to Bahrain having made inroads into hot sectors like real estate, tourism, IT and banking. Find out how 4 companies, ICICI Bank, Banyan Tree, CapitaLand and Sivalai Spa managed to succeed in Bahrain in the first episode of the Middle East Business Kingdom. 迪拜是现今中东地区最闪亮的地方。持续高企的油价令该区的投资和建造业更蓬勃。迪拜已成为阿拉伯世界的模范,以惊人的速度增长。可是,若有不同的公司、 泰式的国际酒店及度假村集团,以及新加坡建筑事务所向迪拜犹长国索偿,迪拜的发展仍可持续吗? 『Dubai Part I』 Dubai is today the shining torch-bearer of the Middle East. The unprecedented high oil prices have provided the region with the impetus to invest, diversify and build. And Dubai has emerged as the model for much of the Arab world, growing at an exponential rate of 16%. But is it sustainable? And how have companies as diverse as a Singapore electronic solutions company, a Thai based international group of hotels and resorts, and a Singapore architectural firm staked their claim in the Emirate?